We are thrilled to welcome Vocalist + Sound Astronaut Rafaelle Mackay into Project Immersed + PHI Centre’s Presentation of Sonic Consciousness. Rafaelle will be entering into our Habitat Sonore’s immersive sound ship with her newly spatialized rework of – Melting with Allies ~ Our Voice.
Melting with Allies ~ Our Voice is an immersive and sensory experience that invites audiences to reconnect with the essence of our natural world and embrace the elements as vital allies in our lives. Inspired by the urgency to honor and protect our
planet, our bodies, and our voices , these soundscapes aim to raise awareness of the importance of our relationship with the environment and inspire a deeper sense of connection and change. Through a unique blend of voices and natural soundscapes,
Melting with Allies creates a space of presence for audiences to feel and embrace these elements – water, fire, wind, earth, and the cosmos. By melting with our allies within and around us, we can potentially transform our relationship with the world
and inspire a deeper felt connection within the web of life.
One weekend only – LIMITED SPACES
June 3: 12:15 PM to 9 PM → RSVP onsite with FULL Day Pass.
June 4: 12 PM to 6 PM → Purchase Sunday only Ticket.
For more info on Artists + Program – visit: https://phi.ca/en/events/sonic-consciousness
For more info on Project Immersed: www.projectimmersed.org
Im SO excited for this !!!!!