Breath Work* Sound work * New Moon day Retreat
The New Moon is an amazing time to dive inside and rise like the phoenix.Renewed & rejuvenated. What better way to cherish this day with exploring your inner worlds with Breathwork & sound work.
You are invited to join this intimate group in the forest of the laurentians for a day of wellbeing.
We will have ample time to be held in a soft and strong breathwork technique called Clarity Breathwork. A space to breath into your subconscious and let what needs to be held, released, acknowledged, celebrated surface into pure consciousness. A true gift that our own instrument provides with gentle guidance.
A powerful dance of breathwork and soundwork igniting the flame within with our voices, sounding and singing the treasures we have found. expressing them to our inner knowing, to our Divine knowing. allowing, listening , being exactly where you are. ever moving.
95$ for the day.
Limited places
Tissane and live music provided.
Option for a shared meal after wards.
reservation necessary : info@rafaellemackay.com
La Nouvelle Lune est une période incroyable pour plonger à l’intérieur et se lever comme le phénix. Renouvelé et rajeuni. Quelle meilleure façon de célèbre cette journée en explorant vos mondes intérieurs avec Breathwork & sound work.
Vous êtes invités à rejoindre ce groupe intime dans la forêt des laurentides pour une journée de bien-être.
Nous aurons tout le temps nécessaire pour nous familiariser avec une technique de respiration douce et puissante appelée ‘clarity breathwork’. Un espace à respirer dans votre subconscient et à laisser ce qui doit être tenu, libéré, reconnu, célébré à la surface de la conscience pure. Un véritable cadeau que notre propre instrument fournit avec une direction délicate.
Une danse puissante de souffle et de sonorités allumant la flamme avec nos voix, sonnant et chantant les mélodies que nous avons trouvées. en les exprimant à notre connaissance intérieure, à notre connaissance divine. Permettre, écouter, être exactement où vous êtes. toujours en mouvement.
inscription nécessaire : info@rafaellemackay.com
What is clarity breath work ?
Clarity Breathwork (formerly known as Rebirthing) is a powerful process of healing and transformation. It deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, patterns, conditioning, negative thoughts and emotions and opens the doors wide for new life and greater consciousness. Most of us don’t breathe fully, we hold back the breath and have been doing so most of our lives. When we start to breathe fully and consciously we are easily able to release what we have been holding and open to an incredible expansion of consciousness, including greater forgiveness and self-love. This inner change brings about shifts in our outer lives for the better.
“A safe deep space is initiated by Rafaelle, in which she manages to gently atune the group of strangers into a comfortable safe zone where each member naturally dropped into their deeper self and before they know it, start to emit beautiful sounds into a shared and guided circle. It is an experience that invites the body and the spirit to let go, accept what is and free up to explore our natural , transportive instrument; our voice. Old fears and inhibitions seem to melt away between the physical movement, useful techniques and excellent leadership. It’s a feeling of coming home, of excitement and joy.
– Anastasia CC Winter 2019